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- Dota 2 - Nature's Prophet / Furion Build Guide
When Verodicia, Goddess of the Woods, had finished filling in the green places, having planted the coiled-up spirit in the seed, having lured the twining waters from deep within the rock, having sworn the sun its full attention to the growing things, she realized that her own time had reached its end, and like one of the leaves whose fate she had imprinted in the seed, she would fall without seeing the fruiting of her dream. It pained her to leave the world bereft, for the sprouts had not yet broken through the soil--and they would be tender and vulnerable to every sort of harm. She found in her seed pouch one last seed that she had missed in the sowing. She spoke a single word into the seed and swallowed it as she fell. Her vast body decomposed throughout the long winter, becoming the humus that would feed the seedlings in the spring. And on the morning of the vernal equinox, before the rest of the forest had begun to wake, that last seed ripened and burst in an instant. From it stepped Tequoia, Nature's Prophet, in full leaf, strong and wise, possessing Verodicia's power to foresee where he would be needed most in defense of the green places--and any who might be fortunate enough to call him an ally.
Furion is the best farmer in dota, he can farms gold so fast and become rich quickly. This hero will leading in items by another heroes in almost every match. This hero is a good pusher. He can push and destroy towers while the enemies are busy in another lanes. Because this hero's fast farming ability, this hero automatically become a carry because he can easily get good items.
The fastest farmer in Dota | Squishy |
Have a nice attack speed for INT hero | |
Have a global teleport | |
A very good pusher | |
Have a global nuke |
Ranged - Jungler - Pusher - Carry - Escape
LEVEL | 1 | 15 | 25 | ||
HIT POINTS | 511 | 990 | 1,712 | SIGHT RANGE | 1800 / 800 |
MANA | 273 | 801 | 1,438 | ATTACK RANGE | 600 |
DAMAGE | 45-59 | 86-100 | 135-149 | MISSILE SPEED | 1125 |
ARMOR | 4 | 7 | 13 |
1. Sprout
Sprouts a ring of trees around a unit, trapping it in place.
MANA COST: 100/120/140/160 | COOLDOWN: 11/10/9/8 |
DURATION: 3 / 3.75 / 4.5 / 5.25 |
This is your ability to confine the enemy into the trees that will surround your target. The duration is considered long so you can attacks the enemy conveniently.
The trees can also be used to summon your underlings (Your 3rd skill).
This Sprout can also be use for your escape by confine yourself inside your own trees. Because you will be in fog of war inside your trees the enemy cannot attacks you there and you will be safe. You need to teleport immediately after that.
2. Teleportation
Teleports to any point on the map.
MANA COST: 50/50/50/50 | COOLDOWN: 50/40/30/20 |
A nice skill to control the map. You can teleport anywhere on the map. The cooldown is so low, just 20 secs in level 4.
With this skill, you can farm and push anywhere you want. Just see the minimap, and if any lane that is far from heroes icon, go there, farm there, and push there. With this you can give some pressure to the enemy defense with just yourself and your underlings/trees.
You are a great pusher with this skill and Nature's Call (Call trees) because you can destroy tower twice as fast.
This skill also good if you're far away from teamfight and you need to participate immediately, so you can just teleport there and help the team.
3. Nature's Call
Converts an area of trees into Treants. Treants have 550 hit points and deal 21-23 damage.
MANA COST: 160/160/160/160 | COOLDOWN: 37 |
TREANT DURATION: 60 / 60 / 60 / 60 |
Call some trees to helps you in teamfight. A very good skill for jungling and pushing towers. With this skill, you can jungle since Lv. 1. But in level 1, you need to jungle in the easy camps. And if your level is higher, you can jungle in Big Camp or even in ancients camp.
With this skill you can push twice as fast, because you will have the power of 1 wave of creeps. Then you can destroy towers and get many golds from it.
4. Wrath of Nature
Damaging energy bounces around the map, striking enemies close to the cast point that are in vision. Each enemy hit beyond the first adds damage. Upgradable with Aghanim's Scepter.
MANA COST: 150/200/250 | COOLDOWN: 90/75/60 |
MAX TARGETS: 16 / 16 / 16 | DAMAGE: 140 / 180 / 225 |
SCEPTER DAMAGE: 155 / 210 / 275 |
Damaging all visible enemies all around the maps. Very good to earn some golds instantly because it will likely to automatically last hits some creeps on some lanes. Will also damaging the enemy heroes. Also good also for harassing the enemies in teamfight.
Level 2: Teleportation
Level 3: Nature's Call
Level 4: Sprout
Level 5: Nature's Call
Level 6: Wrath of Nature
Level 7: Nature's Call
Level 8: Teleportation
Level 9 : Teleportation
Level 10:Teleportation
Level 11: Wrath of Nature
Level 12: Sprout
Level 13: Sprout
Level 14: Sprout
Level 15: Stats
Level 16: Wrath of Nature
Level 17-25: Stats
Why Nature's Call first? For jungling, you need your creeps. You can't jungle without creeps. Creeps will tank the damages, and deal damages to neutrals.
Why you need 1 Level of Sprout in early game? For ganking activities, and for saving your lifes by sprouting yourself and then use Teleport immediately.
Early Game
For early game, you have 3 choices,
1. You can farms in lane,
2. You can farms in jungle,
3. You can farms farm uphill.
If you farms in jungle, you will need your creeps for helps. If you farms in lane, you can last hitting while harassing enemies once in a while.
Or there is an option number 3, you can hits creeps from uphill, and creeps cannot attacks you, this method is rather takes long time to level up. Here is the spot:
Note: Blue dots: Neutral creeps
Red dots: Place yourself there/ uphill, so the neutrals can't attack you while you attack them
The most important item for your early game is Hand of Midas. With Midas, you can earn golds twice as fast, and also it will faster your levels because you will get 2.5 times exp from the creep you kill using Midas.
On the early game, your team always needs ward. This will gives your team the vision of the fog of war. Very good to anticipate enemy's gank. You may ask your Supprt partner to provide it,
Mid Game
In mid game, your gold will runs faster and you will earn golds quickly. You have 4 main method to earn gold super fast:
1. Using hand of midas, this will also faster your leveling
2. Farms in lane, change lane by using teleport, and get golds from towers too
3. Jungling using your underlings
4. Golds from Wrath of the Nature
5. Or you can get golds from killing heroes. Or if you're evil enough, you can kill steal using Dagon and also Wrath of the Nature.
Late Game
On the late game, you should already got all items you want. For example:
Schyte of Vyse,
Daedlus, or anything you want.
So you should be ready for dealing some damage to the teamfight.
On the late game your part is to push the empty lane where no enemies are gurding while 4 of your friends doing other activity. And if you feel, the that your teams really needs your presence, you should then teleport to the teamfight and you should use all you have: If you have a Sheepstick use it on their initiator. The most important is, you should right click enemies one by one. Your damages are already high and you can compete with enemy's carry in terms of damage.
And if your team won the teamfight, you have two options:
1. You can get the Aegis for your team's main hero or
2. Your team can push enemy base and destrouy their buildings. Choose wisely!
A. Full DPS Build
1. Hand of Midas
Total cost: 1400
Recipe: Gloves of Haste + Recipe
Active: Transmute - Kills a non-hero target for 190 gold and 2.5x experience. Cannot be used on Ancients. + 30 Attack Speed Cooldown 100 |
Total cost: 1900
Recipe: Gloves of Haste, Boots of Speed, Belt og Giant Strength/ Robe of Magi/ Band of Elvenskin
Active: Switch Attribute - Changes selected attribute between Strength, Agility and Intelligence. Flat movement speed bonuses from multiple pairs of boots do not stack. + 55 Movement Speed + 8 Selected Attribute + 30 Attack Speed |
STR for survivability,
AGI for attack speed, and
INT for mana and damage.
3. Shadow Blade
Total cost: 3000
Recipe: Shadow Amulet + Claymore
Active: Shadow Walk - Makes you invisible until the duration ends, or until you attack or cast a spell. While Shadow Walk is active, you move 20% faster and can move through units. If attacking to break the invisibility, you gain 150 bonus damage on that attack. Lasts 12 seconds. + 30 Damage + 30 Attack Speed Manacost: 75 Cooldown: 18 |
4. (Alternative) Helm of the Dominator and upgrade it into Satanic Later.
Total Cost: 1850
Recipe: Morbid Mask, Helm of iron Will
Active: Dominate - Take control of a non-hero, non-ancient target unit. Passive: Lifesteal - Gives lifesteal on attacks. Helm of the Dominator is a Unique Attack Modifier, and does not stack with other Unique Attack Modifiers. + 20 Damage + 5 Armor LIFESTEAL: 15% Manacost: 75 Cooldown: 60 |
5. Daedlus
Total cost:: 5750
Recipe: Crystalis + Demon Edge + Recipe
APassive: Critical Strike - Grants a chance to deal critical damage on an attack. + 81 Damage CRITICAL CHANCE: 25% CRITICAL DAMAGE: 270% |
With this, you will become a true moster. This is because you have a very high damage and this item will multiply your damage so everyone can't match you anymore.
You also can buy MKB, both MKB and Daedlus is good.
6. MKB (Monkey King Bar)
Total cost:: 5400
Recipe: Demon Edge + 2x Javelin
Passive: Mini-Bash - Gives a chance to minibash and deal bonus damage. Passive: True Strike - Prevents your attacks from missing. + 88 Damage + 15 Attack Speed CHANCE TO MINI-BASH: 35% MINI-BASH DAMAGE: 100 |
Good Damage. It will give you 100% hit rate although you are on the lower ground.
7. Manta Style
Total cost: 5050
Recipe: Yasha, Ultimate Orb, Recipe
Active: Mirror Image - Creates 2 illusions of your hero that last 20 seconds. Melee illusions deal 33% damage and take 250% bonus damage. Ranged illusions deal 28% damage and take 300% bonus damage. Percentage based movement speed bonuses from multiple items do not stack. + 10 Strength + 26 Agility + 10 Intelligence + 15 Attack Speed + 10% Movement Speed Manacost:165 Cooldown:50 |
8. Black King Bar
Total cost:: 3900
Recipe: Ogre Axe, Mithril Hammer, Recipe
Active: Avatar - Grants magic immunity. Duration and cooldown decrease with each use. Some Ultimate abilities are able to disable through Black King Bar. + 10 Strength + 24 Damage DURATION: 10/9/8/7/6/5 Cooldown: 80 |
B. Support Build
1. Hand of Midas
Total cost: 1400
Recipe: Gloves of Haste + Recipe
Active: Transmute - Kills a non-hero target for 190 gold and 2.5x experience. Cannot be used on Ancients. + 30 Attack Speed Cooldown 100 |
2. Power Thread
Total cost: 1900
Recipe: Gloves of Haste, Boots of Speed, Belt og Giant Strength/ Robe of Magi/ Band of Elvenskin
Active: Switch Attribute - Changes selected attribute between Strength, Agility and Intelligence. Flat movement speed bonuses from multiple pairs of boots do not stack. + 55 Movement Speed + 8 Selected Attribute + 30 Attack Speed |
3. Mekansm
Total cost: 2306
Recipe: Headress + Buckler + Recipe
Active: Restore - Heals 250 HP and gives +2 armor in an area. Passive: Mekansm Aura - Bonus HP Regen in an area. Multiple instances of Mekansm Aura do not stack + 5 All Attributes + 5 Armor BONUS HP REGEN: 4 Mana:150 Cooldown:45 |
4. Schyte of Vyse
Total cost: 5675
Recipe: Mystic Staff + Ultimate Orb + Void Stone
Active: Hex - Turns a target unit into a harmless critter for 3.5 seconds. Destroys illusions. + 10 Strength + 10 Agility + 35 Intelligence + 150% Mana Regeneration Manacost: 100 Cooldown: 35 |
5. The rest is up to you and your team, you can go DPS or buy another supportive item.
1. Playing with furion you need allies who can 4 vs 5 on a teamfight, some heroes like Invoker, Shadow Shaman, or Venomencer will do the works.
Invoker have lots of AoE damages, Shadow shaman have Aoe damage, 2 disables and Wards, and venomancer have deadly Aoe Poisons, very good for 4 vs 5 enemies.
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