The sacred science of Chymistry was a Darkbrew family tradition, but no Darkbrew had ever shown the kind of creativity, ambition, and recklessness of young Razzil. However, when adulthood came calling he pushed aside the family trade to try his hand at manufacturing gold through Alchemy. In an act of audacity befitting his reputation, Razzil announced he would transmute an entire mountain into gold. Following two decades of research and spending and preparation, he failed spectacularly, quickly finding himself imprisoned for the widespread destruction his experiment wrought. Yet Razzil was never one to take a setback lightly, and sought escape to continue his research. When his new cellmate turned out to be a fierce ogre, he found just the opportunity he needed. After convincing the ogre not to eat him, Razzil set about carefully concocting a tincture for it to drink, made from the moulds and mosses growing in the prison stone work. In a week's time, it seemed ready. When the ogre drank the potion, it flew into an unstoppable berserker rage, destroying the cell bars and exploding through walls and guards alike. They soon found themselves lost somewhere in the forest surrounding the city with a trail of wreckage in their wake and no signs of pursuit. In the tonic's afterglow, the ogre seemed serene, happy, and even eager. Resolving to work together, the pair set off to collect the materials needed to attempt Razzil's Alchemic transmutation once more
Therefore a carry Alchemist may be the fastest farmer in DotA. He can farms so fast that everyone will feel so poor in front of him. Like if someone have Power Threads and Battlefury, and he already have Radiance, Tarrasque, and Cuirass. But if Alchemist can’t last hits properly, he will be a fail so please farm properly for the sake of your team.
The fastest farmer in Dota (competing with Nature's Prophet for the title) | His Unstable Concoction can stun himself if not quickly released |
Tanky | |
High attack speed with his ultimate | |
High hp regen and mana regen with his ultimate | |
Can reduce enemy's armor, with a piercing magic immunity | |
His Unstable Concoction' stun last long and also can be casted from a long range |
LEVEL | 1 | 15 | 25 | ||
HIT POINTS | 625 | 1,104 | 1,826 | SIGHT RANGE | 1800 / 800 |
MANA | 325 | 653 | 1,147 | ATTACK RANGE | 128 |
DAMAGE | 49-58 | 74-83 | 112-121 | MISSILE SPEED | N/A |
ARMOR | 2 | 4 | 8 |
MANA COST: 130/140/150/160 | COOLDOWN: 22 |
RADIUS: 625 | DURATION: 16 |
DAMAGE OVER TIME: 14 / 20 / 26 / 32 | ARMOR REDUCTION: 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 |
Acid Spray is considered one of your farming abilities. You can last hits some creeps altogether with this skill. Sure this skill will makes your gold run faster like a usain bolt.
Acid Spray is also very useful in teamfights. This skill will reduce enemies armor and makes your team comfortable in damaging the enemies. Not just that, this skill will deal some decent damage per second to the enemies in teamfights.
The radius of this skill is relatively high, and can occupy almost full screen. So you can damaging conveniently to some creeps and heroes.
2. Unstable Concoction
Alchemist brews up an unstable concoction that he can throw at an enemy hero, to stun and deal damage in an area around the explosion. The longer the concoction brews, the more damage it deals and the longer the stun. After 5 seconds, the brew reaches its maximum damage and stun time. However, after 7 seconds, the concoction will explode on Alchemist himself if not thrown.
MAX STUN: 1.75 / 2.5 / 3.25 / 4 | MAX DAMAGE: 150 / 220 / 290 / 360 |
RADIUS: 175 |
Your skill to help you ganks.
You need to cast the skill and wait the timer until the concoction is ready. Then throw the concoction, or it will explode in your head and stun yourself.
The stun have a decent duration if somehow you cam channel it long enough. So be careful and time your ganks by thinking calmly before casting this skill.
Unstable Concoction Throw
Throw it before it blows up!
3. Greevil's Greed
Alchemist gets bonus gold for killing creeps; the bonus stacks if the creeps are killed within a period of time, after which the count is reset. The bonus gold is capped at 30 gold.
BASE BONUS GOLD: 4 / 6 / 8 / 10 | EXTRA BONUS GOLD: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 |
This is what makes you difference from another heroes in terms of gold . This skill will boost your gold like no one ever was. You will be the millionaire in DotA.
This skill will add several amount of gold for every creeps you kill. And the amount of additional gold will increase the more the creeps you kill in the duration. So be prepared to be the richest in the map.
You can easily win in terms of items compared to your opponents. Better in items means you are the stronger. So you can manfight every one of enemy hero. This is an automatic victory for the one whose richest in dota.
4. Chemical Rage
Alchemist causes his Ogre to enter a chemically induced rage, reducing base attack cooldown and increasing movement speed, hitpoints and regeneration.
MANA COST: 50/100/150 | COOLDOWN: 45 |
BASE ATTACK TIME: 1.4 / 1.2 / 1 | BONUS MANA REGEN: 3 / 7.5 / 12 |
BONUS HEALTH REGEN: 15 / 30 / 60 | |
BONUS MOVE SPEED: 30 / 40 / 60 |
Transform you into a more powerful human being. You will gain attack speed, move speed, hp regen, and mana regen in this form.
In early game, you can use this skill to restore your health and mana.
In mid game, this skill can helps you survive in a teamfight. And in late game this skill will make you become a true monster that attacks so fast and can tank lots of damages.
Carry | Support |
Level 1: Greevil’s Greed Level 2: Unstable Concoction Level 3: Greevil’s Greed Level 4: Unstable Concoction Level 5: Greevil’s Greed Level 6: Chemical Rage Level 7: Greevil’s Greed Level 8: Unstable Concoction Level 9: Unstable Concoction Level 10: Acid Spray Level 11: Chemical Rage Level 12: Acid Spray Level 13: Acid Spray Level 14: Acid Spray Level 15: Stats Level 16: Chemical Rage Level 17-25: Stats | Level 1: Unstable Concoction Level 2: Acid Spray Level 3: Unstable Concoction Level 4: Acid Spray Level 5: Unstable Concoction Level 6: Chemical Rage Level 7: Unstable Concoction Level 8: Acid Spray Level 9 : Acid Spray Level 10: Greevil’s Greed Level 11: Chemical Rage Level 12: Greevil’s Greed Level 13: Greevil’s Greed Level 14: Greevil’s Greed Level 15: Stats Level 16: Chemical Rage Level 17-25: Stats |
Why maxed Greevil’s Greed first? Your goal as a carry is to gain gold as fast as possible so you need this skill the most to boost your gold Why maxed Unstable Concoction before Acid Spray? This will makes you can helps team to stun enemies in early-mid game. There will be some ganks happening in early-mid game, and without this skill, you can’t do much. Actually if you want to be a 24/7 farmer, increasing Acid Spray before Unstable Concoction is also a viable option. You just need to tell your teammates that you will not take stun in early-mid game so your friend will not be pissed off. | Why maxed Unstable Concoction first? Your goal as a support is to gank 24/7 all over the map using this skill. With the 5 seconds stun your team sure can get many kills. Why maxed Acid Spray before Greevil’s Greed? Because you literally needs no gold. A support Alchemist just need to roam around the map and setup a perfect gank with his 5 seconds stun. no need Greevils Greed at all. Acid Spray is better because it can reduce enemy's armor and deal some damage. |
You should focus on last hitting since the earliest stage of the game. Creeps killing is your focus. If your enemy in lane are ranged heroes, you should be more careful. Try to maintain some range and just come near creeps if there is a low HP creep. Be sure to lasthit every creep. You need to farm fast and earn gold quickly to get your items in time.
Usually, a full farming Alchemist are chasing Radiance in 15 mins or less because Radiance is a very powerful item for farming. You need this to double your gold quickly.
Radiance is also does decent damage in teamfights and gives some miss chance to ehe enemy
The other farming option as Alchemist is a Battlefury or Maelstorm. Both can ckear waves of creeps quite easily. Always buy Battlefury against illusion heavy heroes like Phantom Lancer.
Mid Game
In mid game, you should continue your farm. No matter how hard the conditions are, gold is your true target. I believe Greevil’s Greed can provide some decent gold for you. You should get your core items here. If you can succeed here in mid game and already get all your core items, it will be easier in late game.
You should be owning in late game, You have the DPS and the attack speed.
Late Game
Late game is the time to shine. As a carry hero, you should be owning in this stage of the game. Believe in yourself, believe in your DPS, and kill all enemies that blocking your way.
Alchemist is one of the best carry, he can farms gold faster than other carries. Alchemist should outfarm another heroes, he should be the richest in the map. Dota records has already proves that, Alchemist is almost always the number one in ranking of the most gold per miute from week to week. He has beat Furion that also has the pride of one of the best farmer in Dota. Though.
Alchemist can earn gold more than 1000 golds per minute that is far beyond impossibe for other heroes.
So the conclusion is: Farms faster, earn items faster, Owning with better items in mid game. Outfarm enemies in late game with greevil's greed. Quick finish the game as you get your cores before the enemy catch up.
Total cost: 1900
Recipe: Gloves of Haste, Boots of Speed, Belt og Giant Strength/ Robe of Magi/ Band of Elvenskin
Active: Switch Attribute - Changes selected attribute between Strength, Agility and Intelligence. Flat movement speed bonuses from multiple pairs of boots do not stack. + 55 Movement Speed + 8 Selected Attribute + 30 Attack Speed |
Power threads is also a flexible shoes, you can change it to STR, AGI, or INT for what you need.
Usually you will need STR thread for survivability. It will also gives you damage because you are a strength type.
Cost: 2150
Active: Blink - Teleport to a target point up to 1200 units away. If damage is taken from an enemy hero, Blink Dagger cannot be used for 3 seconds. Manacost: 75 Cooldown: 14 |
3. Black King Bar
Total cost:: 3900
Recipe: Ogre Axe, Mithril Hammer, Recipe
Active: Avatar - Grants magic immunity. Duration and cooldown decrease with each use. Some Ultimate abilities are able to disable through Black King Bar. + 10 Strength + 24 Damage DURATION: 10/9/8/7/6/5 Cooldown: 80 |
Total cost: 2600
Recipe: Gloves of Haste + Blades of Attack + Helm of the Dominator + Recipe
INNACTIVE | ACTIVE: Unholy Strength |
+ 9 Damage +15 Attack Speed + 5 Armor + 8 HP Regeneration Cooldown: 2 | Total Damage = +65 (9 Normal Mode + 31 Active Mode + 25 from Strength) Total Attack Speed= +25 (15 Normal Mode + 10 Active Mode) Total HP: + 475 Additional: +25 Strength +31 Damage + 10 Attack Speed Drains 40 HP per second. You cannot die from the health loss when the bonus strength is gone, or the health drain per second. |
Can Save your live if you are below 500 HP and enemy want to nuke-kill you. Use this to instantly adds 475 HP.
5. Assault Cuirass
Total cost:: 5300
Recipe: Platemail, Hyperstone, Chainmail, Recipe
Passive: Assault Aura - Grants attack speed and armor to nearby allied units, and decreases armor for nearby enemies. Multiple instances of Assault Aura do not stack. + 35 Attack Speed + 10 Armor AURA ATTACK SPEED: 20 AURA BONUS ARMOR: 5 ARMOR REDUCTION: 5 |
Helps the bear to tank more damages in teamfights. And also helps bear gets some attack speed for destroying towers and carrying the team in teamfights.
+Armor aura and -Armor for enemies are very important for late game, so good for increasing team's defense and increasing team's attack.
6. MKB
Total cost:: 5400
Recipe: Demon Edge + 2x Javelin
Passive: Mini-Bash - Gives a chance to minibash and deal bonus damage. Passive: True Strike - Prevents your attacks from missing. + 88 Damage + 15 Attack Speed CHANCE TO MINI-BASH: 35% MINI-BASH DAMAGE: 100 |
Good Damage. It will give you 100% hit rate.
7. Heart of Tarrasque
Total cost: 5500
Recipe: Reaver + Vitality Booster
Passive: Health Regeneration - Restores a percentage of max health per second. This ability is disabled if damage is taken from an enemy Hero or Roshan within the last 4 seconds if your hero is melee or 6 seconds if your hero is ranged. + 40 Strength + 300 Health HEALTH RESTORED: 2% Cooldown: 6 |
On early game, you may buy wards and courier because you are the support. That's your job to provide the team with wards and courier.
As the game start, go to the same lane with the carry of your team. Then pull the creeps and farm there. Don't ever farm in the carry lane as it may cause your carry to lack of farm.
Mid Game
Ganking time!
Tell your mid lane friend that you will gank on his lane and together will chainstun the enemy. Buy smoke and use it on your jungle, and then move towards mid and stun your target. That time your mid friend will come and kill the target.
Late Game
After mid game ends, there goes late game. You may be transition into a carry if you have enough gold.
Your part is to stun 1 target and also use AcidSpray on a teamfight area. After that you can attack the enemy using your ChemicalRage.
As a support. You usually buy Hallberd, just remember to use it on enemy's carry to make him unable attack.
Branches: You need the branches to be build into Magic Wand later. Tangoes: for recovering health, Clarities: for mana, and don't forget to buy the Wards: for scouting. |
2. Core Items:
Dagger: to initiate a teamfight Wand: to save yourself from death in some situation Urn: to heal allies or to damage the enemy Brown boots: is enough because you need the save for for another items. |
3. Also don't forget to buy these items:
Wards: to scout some important areas Smoke of Deceit: to start a gank and become invisible from enemy's ward Flying Courier: For faster item delivery Sentry: to deward |
4. Next Core Items:
Force: to save your allies form being targetted in a teamfight Hallberd: To disable enemy's ability to attack |
1. Disables
(Example: Shadow Shaman, Crystal Maiden, Vengeful Spirit)
(Example: Furion, Gondar)
You have a massive farming speed. So with your team having 2-3 heroes that having the best farm speed. It will be hard for enemy to compete with the gold gain.
1. Blinkers
(Example: Magina, Queen of Pain, Void)
They have blink to run away if you already cast Unstable Concoction and it may cause you to fail to land the stun.
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