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- Dota 2 - Kunkka Build Guide
As The Admiral of the mighty Claddish Navy, Kunkka was charged with protecting the isles of his homeland when the demons of the Cataract made a concerted grab at the lands of men. After years of small sorties, and increasingly bold and devastating attacks, the demon fleet flung all its carnivorous ships at the Trembling Isle. Desperate, the Suicide-Mages of Cladd committed their ultimate rite, summoning a host of ancestral spirits to protect the fleet. Against the demons, this was just barely enough to turn the tide. As Kunkka watched the demons take his ships down one by one, he had the satisfaction of wearing away their fleet with his ancestral magic. But at the battle's peak, something in the clash of demons, men and atavistic spirits must have stirred a fourth power that had been slumbering in the depths. The waves rose up in towering spouts around the few remaining ships, and Maelrawn the Tentacular appeared amid the fray. His tendrils wove among the ships, drawing demon and human craft together, churning the water and wind into a raging chaos. What happened in the crucible of that storm, none may truly say. The Cataract roars off into the void, deserted by its former denizens. Kunkka is now The Admiral of but one ship, a ghostly rig which endlessly replays the final seconds of its destruction. Whether he died in that crash is anyone's guess. Not even Tidehunter, who summoned Maelrawn, knows for sure.
Kunka is a carry hero which rely on high splash damage from Tidebringer (and Battlefury if you have one). You need to build this hero using +damage items to make this hero become a late game strong carry.
He is also a nuker with his Torrent and Ghostship.
You are also a ganker with your x mark the spot because you can catch your enemy easily.
The weakness of this hero is his attack speed. Compared than other carries, especially agility carries, his attack speed is considering slow.
You also need to build this hero to become a tanker, maybe you should buy Tarrasque and Cuirass.
Have strong splash damage from Tidebringer | His Ghostship is a strong initiating ability |
Can kill so many enemy instantly if with rapiers | Slow attack speed |
A decent ganker. (With X Mark, Torrent, and the Ghostship) | Need a good positioning for his Torrent and Ghostship |
Cool, he is a captain yet a pirate | Low manapool |
Melee - Disabler - Initiator - Carry - Durable
LEVEL | 1 | 15 | 25 | ||
HIT POINTS | 606 | 1,404 | 2,354 | SIGHT RANGE | 1800 /800 |
MANA | 234 | 507 | 962 | ATTACK RANGE | 128 |
DAMAGE | 50-60 | 92-102 | 142-152 | MISSILE SPEED | N/A |
ARMOR | 2 | 5 | 9 |
Summons a rising torrent that, after a short delay, hurls enemy units into the sky, stunning, dealing damage and slowing movement speed.
MANA COST: 120 / 120 / 120 / 120 | COOLDOWN: 12.0 |
DAMAGE: 120 / 180 / 240 / 300 | RADIUS: 215 / 215 / 215 / 215 |
SLOW: 35% | SLOW DURATION: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 |
STUN DURATION: 1.53 / 1.53 / 1.53 / 1.53 | DELAY: 1.6 / 1.6 / 1.6 / 1.6 |
This ability will make your enemies pushed up by water that comes from the ground. You should wait until your enemies comes down before you can attack them. A good ability for initiating a teamfight.
The torrent needs good placement to hit your target successfully. You need to predict your enemy's movement so you can place your ability in the area where he will move. Your 3rd Skill X Mark the Spot will make it easier for you. Use X mark the spot to your opponent, and then, place Torrent in the X mark, and bang! your enemy will jump up.
A stun from your friend may also helps you on placing your Torrent .correctly.
2. Tidebringer
Kunkka's legendary sword grants increased damage and cleaves a large area of effect in front of him for a single strike. Cleave damage on non-primary targets is not reduced by armor values.
COOLDOWN: 13.0 / 10.0 / 7.0 / 4.0 | ABILITY: PASSIVE |
DAMAGE: PHYSICAL | RADIUS: 500 / 500 / 500 / 600 |
DAMAGE BONUS: 15 / 30 / 45 / 60 |
This will make you gets a wide range cleave attack for every 4 seconds. And that attack is also with an additional damage. The radius of this skill is so far, i believe full screen. This is very good for harassing in early game. And a very good skill for farming because you can farms fast with this cleave and damage.
3. X Marks the Spot
Targets a friendly or enemy Hero, marks their position with an X, and returns them to it after several seconds. Kunkka can trigger the return at any time during the duration.
MANA COST: 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 | COOLDOWN: 16.ffffff |
DELAY: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 | RANGE: 500 / 650 / 800 / 950 |
Returns the marked hero to the X.
MANA COST: 50 / 50 / 50 / 50 | COOLDOWN: 5.0 |
Force your X Mark target to return to the X mark
4. Ghostship
Summons a ghostship to cut a swath through battle, causing damage and stuns to enemy units as it crashes through. Allies are doused in Kunkka's Rum, receiving bonus movement speed and a delayed reaction to damage.
MANA COST: 150 / 200 / 250 | COOLDOWN: 60.0 / 50.0 / 40.0 |
DAMAGE: 300 / 400 / 500 | STUN DURATION: 1.4 / 1.4 / 1.4 |
BONUS SPEED: 10% / 10% / 10% | BUFF DURATION: 8 |
Summon a ship into the battle. Your ship will stun, give damages to the enemy and gives +Movement speed to allies. Nice skill to cast into the crowds of the enemies. You can combine this skill with Torrent and Tidebringer to bring chaos into the battlefield.
Level 1: Tidebringer
Level 2: Torrent
Level 3: Tidebringer
Level 4: X Marks the Spot
Level 5: Tidebringer
Level 6: Ghostship
Level 7: Tidebringer
Level 8: Torrent
Level 9 : Torrent
Level 10:Torrent
Level 11: Ghostship
Level 12: X Marks the Spot
Level 13: X Marks the Spot
Level 14: X Marks the Spot
Level 15: Stats
Level 16: Ghostship
Level 17-25: Stats
Note: If you want to get firstblood at Lv.1 you can take X Mark the spot or Torrent on Lv.1.
Or if you afraid of getting firstblood at Lv.1, you can use those ability to escape from the enemy.
Why Tidebringer should be maxed first? This ability is so good on early game to make you easier in lasthitting the creeps and also harassing your enemy with it's splashed damage.
Why maxed Torrent before X Mark the spot? Torrent will be more painful in early game where enemy's Hp is relatively low. And 1 level of X Mark the Spot is enough for early game to can chase your target.
Early Game
Your job in early game is to lasthit every creeps in your lane. Tidebringer will really helps you in this stage. Tidebringer will also gives your opponent some damage because of it's cleave, just hits the front creeps, and your enemy behind that creeps will feel the damage. You can also harass enemies by using Torrents, it's fun to watch your enemy bouncing to the air.
Always beware of enemy's gank. You must watch the river area. The wards may helps you on this. If there is an enemy incoming, you should retreat to your tower for safety.
Mid Game
Kunkka is capable in both ganking and farming. Your team should decide what you will become,
1. A full time farmer
This strategy ensures you having good items on late game. Good items means a good carrying power. This means you will become very strong on the late game to make your team win the teamfight.
2. A ganker who is active in ganking activities.
This also a nice strat too becausea a successful gank campaign on the mid game, will greatly destroy the enemy's power.
If you gank, always remember to use X mark the spot, it will make your opponent to come back in the X mark. You can place your Torrent in the X mark to make sure your Torrent hits your target.
Remember to summon your Ghostship if necessary.
Ghostship is an important ability to surprise gank the enemy, just come from jungle and use Ghostship to your enemy. It will surprise them. And then destroy your enemy together with your friends. You have Torrent to nuke, X mark to chase, and you also have high right click damage from Tidebringer.
Late Game
In this stage of the game, you should already acquired the high damage. Here is your part in the teamfight:
1. Use Ghostship on the early teamfight
2. Use Torrent after that
3. Right click with your splash
4. Right click the squishy hero first
5. After no squishy heroes left, then right click their carry.
6. If there is an enemy who tries to escape, use X Mark the Spot to catch him.
You are considered as a carry here. So you should maximize your damage to help your team to win every teamfight. You should buy +damage items like Daedlus or MKB.
And if your team won the teamfight, you have two options:
1. You can get the Aegis for your team's main hero or
2. Your team can push enemy base and destrouy their buildings. Choose wisely!
1. Starting Items
Quelling Blade: for easier last hitting Stout Shield: to block some damage and makes you tankier on earliest stage of the game. Tango: to refill your health |
2. Mid Game Items
Bottle: To make you always have adequate mana and health in a teamfight. Phase Boots: Gives damage and also increase move speed by a lot. Magic Wand: Can saves your life in a dangerous situation. Drum: Gives survivability, mana, attack speed, and also movement speed. |
3. Shadow Blade
Total cost: 3000
Recipe: Shadow Amulet + Claymore
Active: Shadow Walk - Makes you invisible until the duration ends, or until you attack or cast a spell. While Shadow Walk is active, you move 20% faster and can move through units. If attacking to break the invisibility, you gain 150 bonus damage on that attack. Lasts 12 seconds. + 30 Damage + 30 Attack Speed Manacost: 75 Cooldown: 18 |
Cost: 2150
Active: Blink - Teleport to a target point up to 1200 units away. If damage is taken from an enemy hero, Blink Dagger cannot be used for 3 seconds. Manacost: 75 Cooldown: 14 |
4. Daedlus
Total cost:: 5750
Recipe: Crystalis + Demon Edge + Recipe
APassive: Critical Strike - Grants a chance to deal critical damage on an attack. + 81 Damage CRITICAL CHANCE: 25% CRITICAL DAMAGE: 270% |
You can buy any damage items you want to increase your DPS more like Butterfly, Basher, or MKB.
5. Rapiers
Cost:: 6300 per rapier
Recipe: Sacred Relic + Demon Edge
+300 Damage Drops on death. Divine Rapier is muted to anyone but the owner, as long as he or his teammates pick it up. As soon as an enemy picks it up, Divine Rapier is unmuted, but cannot be dropped except on death. + 300 Damage |
Best Partner:
He have berserkers call to make opponents attack him, that's your chance to use Torrent and Ghostship and Tidebringer and your right click to kill all the opponents. He also have +Movement speed if his ultimate successfully kill an enemy, just like your Ghostship that have +Movement speed.
2. Magnataur
He have Reverse Polarity that will makes your enemies to stick together, that will be a perfect setup for you to kill them all with Cleave damage + Ghostship + Torrent.
3. Dark Seer
Have Vacuum that makes all ememy to stick in 1 point, this works the same as Axe's or magnataur skills. The same as Axe's and Magnataur's skill, this skill is also a perfect setup for you.
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