The Tidehunter known as Leviathan was once the champion of the Sunken Isles, but his motives are as mysterious as those of his people. We all know the importance of the Drylanders' shipping lanes, how empires may rise and fall according to who controls the open water. Far less is known of the submarine lanes, and how the warring tribes of the Meranthic Diaspora have carved out habitations through endless undersea skirmishes. In the fragile treaties between the Mer and Men, we can glimpse the extent of the drowned empires, but their politics appear complex and opaque. It would seem that Leviathan tired of such petty strife, and set off on his own, loyal only to his abyssal god, Maelrawn the Tentacular. He stalks the shallows now in search of men or meranths who stray into his path, and with a particular loathing for Admiral Kunkka, who has long been his nemesis for reasons lost in the deepest trenches of the sea.
Tide hunter is a big, strong, tanky initiator hero to starting a teamfight. Tidehunter is one of the best initiator on the game. The Ravage is a massive stunning ability for all enemy heroes. He also have the Gush to slow down enemy and reducing enemy's armor. The gush is needed to intiate a gank. He also have the Kraken Shell to tank any damage. And he also have the Anchor Smash to controlg the laning phase by reducing enemy's damage.
The best initiator | His nuke damage is not high |
Tanky | Rather hard to escape if being ganked |
A good lane controller | |
A good ganker | |
A bit hard to farm |
Melee - Initiator - Durable - Disabler - Support
LEVEL | 1 | 15 | 25 | ||
HIT POINTS | 568 | 1,366 | 2,316 | SIGHT RANGE | 1800 / 800 |
MANA | 208 | 517 | 998 | ATTACK RANGE | 128 |
DAMAGE | 47-53 | 89-95 | 139-145 | MISSILE SPEED | N/A |
ARMOR | 3 | 6 | 11 |
1. Gush
Summons a gush of water to damage an enemy unit, reducing their movement speed and armor. Lasts 4 seconds.
MANA COST: 120 / 120 / 120 / 120 | COOLDOWN: 12.0 |
DAMAGE: MAGICAL | DAMAGE: 110 / 160 / 210 / 260 |
SLOW: 40% / 40% / 40% / 40% | ARMOR REDUCTION: 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 |
2. Kraken Shell
Creates a thick armor shell that reduces physical damage and removes negative buffs when damage received reaches a critical threshold. Kraken Shell does not stack with items that provide Damage Block.
ABILITY: PASSIVE | DAMAGE THRESHOLD: 600 / 600 / 600 / 600 |
DAMAGE REDUCTION: 7 / 14 / 21 / 28 |
3. Anchor Smash
Tidehunter swings his mighty anchor to damage nearby enemies and reduce their attack damage.
MANA COST: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 | COOLDOWN: 7.0 / 6.0 / 5.0 / 4.0 |
DAMAGE: 75 / 125 / 175 / 225 | DAMAGE REDUCTION: 40% / 40% / 40% / 40% |
DURATION: 6 / 6 / 6 / 6 | RADIUS: 400 / 400 / 400 / 400 |
4. Ravage
Slams the ground, causing tentacles to erupt in all directions, damaging and stunning all nearby enemy units.
MANA COST: 150 / 225 / 325 | COOLDOWN: 150.0 |
DAMAGE: 200 / 325 / 450 | RADIUS: 825 / 925 / 1025 |
DURATION: 2.02 / 2.32 / 2.77 |
Level 2: Anchor Smash
Level 3: Anchor Smash
Level 4: Gush
Level 5: Anchor Smash
Level 6: Ravage
Level 7: Anchor Smash
Level 8: Gush
Level 9 : Gush
Level 10: Kraken Shell
Level 11: Ravage
Level 12: Kraken Shell
Level 13: Kraken Shell
Level 14: Kraken Shell
Level 15: Stats
Level 16: Ravage
Level 17-25: Stats
And if you are become the support role for your team, you may get the observer wards to get vision over the fog area. Vision of certain area is so important for the team because your team needs safety from any opponent's gank.
Everybody will roam around the map and find somebody to kill. It's your time to roam too. Don't forget to buy the Smoke of Deceit to hid from enemy's Observer Ward.
You have some ganking skill here. So if you want to initiate in a gank, what you need to do is:
1. Comunicate with your teammates about who should be ganked, you should focus fire on 1 hero in a gank, because if you don't communicate well you may attack the A person and your teammates attack the B person, and that is a bad gank and can lead to failure on getting the kill.
2. Prepare the items needed in the gank:
a. Use Smoke of Deceit
b. Prepare Dust, Sentry Wards, or Gem if you will gank an invisible hero like Rikimaru, Clinkz, or Nyx Assassin
3.Use Ravage to initiate a teamfight if there are many enemies in an area.
4. And then after Ravage, spams Anchor Smash and then
5. Gush! It will reducing the armor and slow down the target so you can easily harass him.
On late game. The teamfight will be very intense. Beware! if your team lose a single teamfight it may cost you the game.
You should already reached high level here so you have an all high level skill and also an already high sats, HP and damage. And so does ebverybody in the map.
With the high level, that means a long respawn time. That means that every move is becoming more important and decisive. So keep focus and also don;'t panic at every sitaution. Always think clearly and use all you have.Here you should make a wise decision to choose btween 2 options:
1. To save money for buyback
2. To buy your next item
How to choose between those two? you may see how important is your next item. You can see it by: If you don't buy that item immediately, your team's can't compete with the enemy's power so buy it immediately, but if the item is not that important, you should save for buyback.
Your role in the teamfight is an initiator. What you need to do is:
1. Use blink dagger to be in position for the Ravage
2. And then you should use ravage immediatel
3. And then use Anchor Smash and Gush.
4. Use any clickable item in your pocket, you may have Mekansm or Necronomicon.
And if your team won the teamfight, you have two options:
1. You can get the Aegis for your team's main hero or
2. Your team can push enemy base and destrouy their buildings. Choose wisely!
Total cost: 1450
Recipe: Boots of Speed + Energy Booster
Active: Replenish Mana - Restores mana in an area around the hero. Flat movement speed bonuses from multiple pairs of boots do not stack. + 60 Movement Speed + 250 Mana MANA RESTORED: 135 Mana Needed: 25 Cooldown: 55 |
2. Blink Dagger
Cost: 2150
Active: Blink - Teleport to a target point up to 1200 units away. If damage is taken from an enemy hero, Blink Dagger cannot be used for 3 seconds. Manacost: 75 Cooldown: 14 |
1. Perfect for initiating a teamfight and also can
2. Helps you escape
3. Refresher Orb
Total cost: 5300
Recipe: Obilivion Staff + Preserverance + Recipe
Active: Reset Cooldowns - Resets the cooldowns of all your items and abilities. + 5 HP Regeneration + 200% Mana Regeneration + 40 Damage + 6 Intelligence Manacost: 375 Cooldown: 160 |
But before you buy this item, check your mana capacity first, if your mana is enough to use
2 x ulti + 1 x Refresher, then buy this.
4. Shivs's Guard
Total cost: 4700
Recipe: Plate Mail + Mystic Staff + Recipe
Active: Arctic Blast - Emits a freezing wave that does 200 damage to enemies and slows their movement by -40% for 4.0 seconds. Passive: Freezing Aura - Reduces attack speed on enemies. Multiple instances of Freezing Aura do not stack. + 30 Intelligence + 15 Armor AURA SLOW: 25% Manacost: 100 Cooldown: 30 |
5. Blade Mail
Total cost: 2200
Recipe: Broadsword + Chainmail + Robe of Magi
Active: Damage Return - Returns any damage you take to the unit that dealt the damage. Lasts 4.5 seconds. + 22 Damage + 5 Armor + 10 Intelligence Manacost: 25 Cooldown; 22 |
Recipe: Reaver + Vitality Booster
Passive: Health Regeneration - Restores a percentage of max health per second. This ability is disabled if damage is taken from an enemy Hero or Roshan within the last 4 seconds if your hero is melee or 6 seconds if your hero is ranged. + 40 Strength + 300 Health HEALTH RESTORED: 2% Cooldown: |
he blackhole first followed by your ravage.
- Tidehunter - Tidehunter Blink Dagger
- Tidehunter - Claddish Cudgel
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