Archive for Januari 2013

  • Dota 2 - Weaver Build Guide

    The fabric of creation needs constant care, lest it grow tattered; for when it unravels, whole worlds come undone. It is the work of the Weavers to keep the fabric tight, to repair worn spots in the mesh of reality. They also defend from the things that gnaw and lay their eggs in frayed regions, whose young can quickly devour an entire universe if the Weavers let their attention lapse. Skitskurr was a master Weaver, charged with keeping one small patch of creation tightly woven and unfaded. But the job was not enough to satisfy. It nagged him that the original work of creation all lay in the past; the Loom had done its work and travelled on. He wanted to create rather than merely maintain-to weave worlds of his own devising. He began making small changes to his domain, but the thrill of creation proved addictive, and his strokes became bolder, pulling against the pattern that the Loom had woven. The guardians came, with their scissors, and Weaver's world was pared off, snipped from the cosmic tapestry, which they rewove without him in it. Skitskurr found himself alone, apart from his kind, a state that would have been torment for any other Weaver. But Skitskurr rejoiced, for now he was free. Free to create for himself, to begin anew. The raw materials he needed to weave a new reality were all around him. All he had to do was tear apart this old world at the seams.

    Weaver in one kind of carry in DotA. His best times is in the mid game teamfights. He can move very fast and invisibly and makes enemy's confused and hard to catch him. Not just that, while his HP is reduced he can gain back his HP with reversing the time to when his HP is still full. He also can double his attacks, that makes him can deal lots of damages. That is what makes him a decent carry.
    Can move very fast and invisible, makes him hard to catchSquishy
    If Hp is reduced, can gain his Hp back.If enemy have true sight, they can see you. Beware of the true sight (Gem, Sentry etc.)
    Decent double attack damage
    A good lane controller, easy to harass enemy
    A decent chaser, fast movement speed from his invisibility skill
    Nerubian Weaver AnubSeran Dota 2
    Ranged - Carry - Escape

    HIT POINTS4358341,499SIGHT RANGE1800 / 800
    MANA1955231,017ATTACK RANGE425
    DAMAGE50-6085-95130-140MISSILE SPEED900

    1. The Swarm
    The Swarm, Dota 2 -  Weaver Build Guide
    Weaver launches a swarm of 12 young Weavers that latch on any enemy unit in their path, attacking and reducing armor until it is killed.
    MANA COST: 100/100/100/100COOLDOWN: 36/33/30/27
    ATTACK DAMAGE: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30DURATION: 8 / 12 / 16 / 20
    COUNT: 12 / 12 / 12 / 12ARMOR REDUCTION: 1 / 1 / 1 / 1
    ATTACKS TO DESTROY: 8 / 8 / 8 / 8
    Skitskurr opens a gap in the space time fabric, allowing young Weavers to slip through and aid him in combat.
    Release a wave of swarm to a direction. This skill deals some damage per second for the affected units. The swarm is easily killed because of it's low Hp. Can be good to helps you deal some damage to enemies.

    2. Shukuchi
    Shukuchi, Dota 2 -  Weaver Build Guide
    Weaver shifts out of visibility, gaining the ability to move at maximum speed through physical units--doing harm to any enemies it passes through.
    MANA COST: 60/60/60/60COOLDOWN: 12/10/8/6
    DAMAGE: 90 / 110 / 130 / 150RADIUS: 175 / 175 / 175 / 175
    FADE TIME: 0.25 / 0.25 / 0.25 / 0.25DURATION: 4 / 4 / 4 / 4
    As the Weavers worked in the fabric of creation, small wormholes allowed them to slip through time to better work their craft.
    This skill is what makes you become hard to catch. You will become invisible and move so fast so your opponent will be confused and you can have fun with them. This skill increase your mobility by a lot. Mobility is the key factor of a Weaver. With the high mobility you can: control the lane, harass enemy easily, and also chasing or escaping easily.Although they have gem, you still have the high movement speed to escape, but still should be careful. This skill also deal some magical damage to your opponents that touch you.
    Always activate this skill on every situation of the game, harassing, ganking, and teamfights. With this skill you can move freely and can harass enemies easily.

    3. Geminate Attack
    Geminate Attack
    Allows Weaver to dispatch two swarms, attacking an enemy twice. The extra attack will not trigger other attack effects (such as critical strike) and overrides Unique Attack Modifiers.
    Skitskurr's relationship with time is somewhat variable, causing his actions to be witnessed - and felt - more than once.
    This skill makes you attack twice if this skill is off cooldown. With this skill, you can deal lots of damage with your attack. This is your main carrying skill. With the more damage you have, it will deal more and more damage. And in late game, this skill will be very effective to helps you reach victory.

    4. Time Lapse
    Time Lapse
    Weaver warps backward to whatever position it was in five seconds earlier--regaining the HP and mana from that time. No effect on cooldown, gold or experience.
    MANA COST: 150/75/0COOLDOWN: 60/50/40
    If Skitskurr does not deem the current reality of the world to fit his desires, he simply crawls back in time to right what was wronged.
    This skill makes you can go back to 5 seconds earlier. This will make your HP, mana and position to be like where was you at 5 seconds ago.
    Use this when your HP is reduced drastically from the full so you will gain your full HP back.

    Dota 2 -  Weaver Build Guide
    Level 1: Shukuchi
    Level 2: Geminate Attack
    Level 3: The Swarm
    Level 4: The Swarm
    Level 5: The Swarm
    Level 6: Time Lapse
    Level 7: The Swarm
    Level 8: Shukuchi
    Level 9 : Geminate Attack
    Level 10: Geminate Attack
    Level 11: Time Lapse
    Level 12: Shukuchi
    Level 13: Geminate Attack
    Level 14: Shukuchi
    Level 15: Stats
    Level 16: Time Lapse
    Level 17-25: Stats

    Why take Shukuchi for level 1? You need Shukuchi to escape if enemy wants to get firstblood by killing you.

    Why take level 1 of Geminate attack for early game? This skill will deal double attack and makes you easier on lasthitting, harassing, and killing.

    Why maxed The Swarm first?  With this skill, you can deal lots of damage in the mid game teamfight because they will not attack your Swarms because they will be focused on the hero. Swarm also useful damaging the escaping enemy.

    You should maxed Shukichi and Geminate attack together because this two skills is both important for you. Geminate attack for the damage, and Shukucki for your mobility.

    Early Game
    On level 1 you need to take Sukuchi to defend yourself from firstblood attempt from opponents. By going invisible, you can dodge their attacks and save yourself.
    Harassing and farming is your two main priorities for the early game. You can harass enemies using Sukuchi, normal attack, or The Swarm. By harassing opponents, they will be uncomfortable on the lane and can't last hits properly. And also if you are good enough, they will be killed or at least will retreat and makes yourself get the easy farms.
    Try to last hits every creep in your lane. You need farms, you are the carry, farm some nice items and make yourself strong for the late game.

    Mid Game
    On mid game, you can keep farming or sometimes helping the team in the teamfight.
    Before the teamfights, always cast The Swarm to make them busy with the Swarms. After that, your team's initiator should come to play and initiate with his skill. After that, Use Shukuchi to go through the enemy, and then attack them from the weird position and if someone want to attack you, use Shukuchi again and find other place to attack them. You are doing this while your teammate also attack the enemies. With a play like this, your enemy will be confused of where your position is and you can harass them and kill them.

    Remember to keep on farming. If you have lots of golds, try to buy the Radiance and become OWNING!!
    Nerubian Weaver AnubSeran Dota Silhouette
    Late Game
    If you are already OWNING on mid game, then late game will be easy for you. You will have some nice items and ready to destroys all enemy and finish the game. Your strat is still the same, first is to cast The Swarm before the teamfight starts. After that, your team's initiator should come to play and initiate with his skill. After that, Use Shukuchi to go through the enemy, and then attack them from the weird position and if someone want to attack you, use Shukuchi again and find other place to attack them. You are doing this while your teammate also attack the enemies. With a play like this, your enemy will be confused of where your position is and you can harass them and kill them. If tere are enemies that tries to run, cast The Swarm and cast Shukuchi to chase him. And use your high right click damage to finish him.
    Remember the pattern, i use the sencntces twice to make sure you are remember the pattern. Just play calmly and be OWNING.

    1.  Power Threads
    Total cost: 1400
    Recipe: Gloves of Haste, Boots of Speed, Belt og Giant Strength/ Robe of Magi/ Band of Elvenskin
     Power Threads, Dota 2 - Weaver Build Guide
    Active: Switch Attribute - Changes selected attribute between Strength, Agility and Intelligence.
    Flat movement speed bonuses from multiple pairs of boots do not stack. + 55 Movement Speed
    + 8 Selected Attribute   + 30 Attack Speed
    Why Power Threads? It will gives you attack speed, thats what you need, attack speed and damages. Power threads is laso a flexible shoes, you can change it to STR, AGI, or INT for what you need.
    STR for Survivability, AGI for damage and attack speed, and INT for mana.

    2. Ring of Aquila
    Total Cost: 985
    Recipe: Wraith Band + Ring of Basillus
    Ring of Aquila, Dota 2 - Weaver Build Guide
    Passive: Aquila Aura - Grants mana regeneration and armor in a 900 AoE.
    Active: Toggle whether the aura affects other non-hero units.
    Multiple instances of Aquila Aura do not stack.
    + 9 Damage    + 3 All Attributes    + 3 Agility    + 1 Armor
    Why Ring of Aquila? It gives you mana regen. You need mana regen to use your skills on early game. This items also gives some damage.

    3. Medallion of Courage
    Total Cost: 1075
    Recipe: Sobi Mask + Chainmail + Recipe
    Medallion of Courage

    Active: Valor - Reduces the armor of you and your target. Lasts 7 seconds. + 6 Armor
    + 50% Mana Regeneration
    Why Medallion? It will reduce enemy's armor by a lot on early game. Because you are hard to be attacked so the minus armor for yourself is not a problem.

    4. Vanguard
    Total cost: 2225
    Recipe: Ring of Health + Vitality Booster + Stout Shield
    Vanguard, Dota 2 - Weaver Guide

    Passive: Damage Block - Gives a chance to block damage, depending on the type of hero you are. + 250 Health    + 6 HP Regeneration    BLOCK CHANCE: 70%
    Why Vanguard? Will reduce physical attacks damage. So good for a tank damages in farming and really helps in a teamfight against some physical attacks.

    5.  Radiance
    Total cost: 5150
    Recipe: Sacred Relic + Recipe
    Radiance, Dota 2 - Weaver Build Guide
    Active: Toggles Burn Damage on or off.
    Passive: Burn Damage - Deals damage per second in a 650 radius. + 60 Damage
    Why Radiance? Helps yo to deal some constant damage in teamfights. Also helps in farming creeps.

    6. But don't forget to give more Survivability for yourself and buy item like
    Black King Bar, Dota 2 - Weaver Build Guide
    Heart of Tarrasque, Dota 2 - Weaver Build Guide
    Black King Bar
    Total cost:: 3900
    Recipe: Ogre Axe, Mithril Hammer, Recipe
    Heart of Tarrasque
    Total cost: 5500
    Recipe: Reaver + Vitality Booster

    Active: Avatar - Grants magic immunity. Duration and cooldown decrease with each use. Some Ultimate abilities are able to disable through Black King Bar. + 10 Strength
    + 24 Damage     DURATION: 10/9/8/7/6/5     Cooldown: 80
    Passive: Health Regeneration - Restores a percentage of max health per second.
    This ability is disabled if damage is taken from an enemy Hero or Roshan within the last 4 seconds if your hero is melee or 6 seconds if your hero is ranged.
    + 40 Strength   + 300 Health     HEALTH RESTORED: 2%    Cooldown:
    Why Black King Bar? It gives you survivability in a teamfight because you will get magic immunity during teamfight. Black King Bar, will make you immune to magic for several seconds
    Why Heart of Tarrasque? Makes you tanky. So good item for late game.

    And for late game
    7. You can increase your DPS more. Choose your own DPS items.As a carry, damage is your priority.
    DaedlusMKBAbyssal Blade, Dota 2 - Weaver Build GuideDivine Rapier

    CRITICAL 2.4
    100% HITS
    MINIBASH 35%
    DAMAGE: 100
    MELEE: 25 %
    RANGE: 10%
    +15 ATK SPEED
    +10 STRENGTH
    2 SEC STUN
    DAEDLUS: Daedlus will provide you with a powerful Critical Strike.
    MKB: 100% HITRATE will helps you to fight some evasion heroes like Mortred or Rikimaru.
    ABYSSAL: A decent +100 damage and makes you become a Stunner
    RAPIER: Be careful if you choose to hold this. 1 hit kill is a sure. 2-3 hits is the worst. Need protection from your support. Must come if the situation is clear safe for you to come inside the teamfight. Need some disabler friends.

    8. Another option item for Weaver:
    Manta Style
    Sange & Yasha, Dota 2 - Weaver Build Guide
    Manta Style
    Total cost:: 5050
    Recipe: Yasha, Ultimate Orb, Recipe
    Sange & Yasha

    Total cost: 4100
    Recipe: Sange (Ogre Axe, Belt of Giant Strength) + Yasha (Blade of Alacrity + Boots of Elvenskin)
    Total cost:: 6000
    Eaglesong, Quarterstaff
    Active: Mirror Image - Creates 2 illusions of your hero that last 20 seconds.
    Melee illusions deal 33% damage and take 250% bonus damage. Ranged illusions deal 28% damage and take 300% bonus damage.
    Percentage based movement speed bonuses from multiple items do not stack. + 10 Strength
    + 26 Agility    + 10 Intelligence    + 15 Attack Speed    + 10% Movement Speed
    Manacost:165    Cooldown:50

    Passive: Greater Maim - Gives a chance on attack to slow movement speed for 4.0 seconds.
    Percentage based movement speed bonuses from multiple items do not stack. + 12 Damage
    + 16 Strength    + 16 Agility    + 15 Attack Speed     + 12% Movement Speed
    MAIM CHANCE: 15%    SLOW: 30%

    + 30 Agility      
    + 30 Damage
    + 35% Evasion  
    + 30 Attack Speed
    Why Manta Style?
    This item is always good for a carry, because carry need to deal more damage, and with additional of 2 illusions, the damage will be outstanding on late game.
    Why Sange & Yasha? It will makes you more tanky, more damage, more attack speed and more movement speed + gives a slower with you attack. Very good item for a mobile-carry like you.Why Butterfly?
    It gives you more damage and more attack speed that makes you become much more powerful. It also gives evasion to helps you survive in teamfight.
    Butterfly is always a good item for an Agility Carry.

    And don't forget this for the late game
    9. Boots of Travel
    Total cost: 2450
    Recipe: Boots of Speed + Recipe
    Boots of Travel, Dota 2 - Weaver Build Guide
    Active: Teleport - Teleports you to an allied non-hero unit or structure.
    Flat movement speed bonuses from multiple pairs of boots do not stack. + 100 Movement Speed
    Manacost: 75   Cooldown60
    Why Boots of Travel? With the creeps becoming more powerful in pushing your base, you need fast teleport to save your Ancient.
    Also, this item will give you 1 free slot that is saved for Teleport Scroll if you don't have this Boots

    1. Skeleton King
    Skeleton King
    You can recover your Hp instantly using Time Lapse, and he can Reincarnation, this situation is like that your  team have 7 lives. 3 normal hero. You have 2 and Skeleton King have 2.
    If your team also have aegis and cheese. It will be imbalanced.

    1. True Sight Heroes
    (Slardar, Gondar)
    Slardar, Dota 2 - Weaver Build GuideGondar, Dota 2 - Weaver Build Guide
     Slardar and Gondar have a true sight ability that makes your team to be visible, beware of these two heroes.

    2. Gem of Tur Sight, Sentry Ward or Dust of Appearance
    Gem of Tur Sight, Dota 2 - Weaver Build GuideSentry Ward, Dota 2 - Weaver Build GuideDust of Appearance, Dota 2 - Weaver Build Guide
     Those items can reveal your team, so be careful with the holder of those items.

    3. High Instant Damage
    (Example: Lina, Lion, Tiny)
    They are all have deathly instant damage and makes you don't have a chance to use the Time Lapse, beware of them.

    3. Silence + Damage
    (Example: Doom, Bloodseeker, Drow Ranger)
     They have DPS + Silence that makes you have a hard time.

    Nerubian Weaver AnubSeran Dota 2 BlackNerubian Weaver AnubSeran Dota 2 Kid

    Nerubian Weaver AnubSeran Dota ProNerubian Weaver AnubSeran Dota Nice

    Nerubian Weaver AnubSeran Dota ColorfulNerubian Weaver AnubSeran Dota
  • Dota 2 - Chaos Knight Build Guide

    The veteran of countless battles on a thousand worlds, Chaos Knight hails from a far upstream plane where the fundamental laws of the universe have found sentient expression. Of all the ancient Fundamentals, he is the oldest and most tireless-endlessly searching out a being he knows only as "The Light." Long ago the Light ventured out from the progenitor realm, in defiance of the first covenant. Now Chaos Knight shifts from plane to plane, always on the hunt to extinguish the Light wherever he finds it. A thousand times he has snuffed out the source, and always he slides into another plane to continue his search anew.

    Upon his steed Armageddon he rides, wading into battle with maniacal frenzy, drawing strength from the disorder of the universe. A physical manifestation of chaos itself, in times of need he calls upon other versions of himself from other planes, and together these dark horsemen ride into battle, as unstoppable as any force of nature. Only when the last Light of the world is scoured from existence will the search be ended. Where rides the Chaos Knight, death soon follows.

    Chaos Knigh is a Powerful Carry late Game hero because he have illusions that deals a full damage as illusions. If enemy have no AoE skill, Nessaj is almost 100% can carry his team into Victorious. He is also a tanky hero that have a high survivability. Nessaj also have a powerful Critical Strike that will crush any enemy that dare to face him. Not just it, he also have a stun and have a skill to make the target pulled into him and then he can easily attack the target. Icefrog Present: The most Powerful Strength hero in DotA.
    3 Clones that deal 100% damageIf facing too much AoE damage, illusion will die quickly.
    Have critical strikeMana pool is considered low
    Stun can last 4 seconds (if lucky)
    Can play many role for the team: Carry, Ganker, Initiator, Tanker
    Very High Movement Speed
    Dota 2 -  Nessaj - Chaos Knight Build Guide
    Melee - Carry - Disabler - Durable - Pusher

    HIT POINTS5311,0312,232SIGHT RANGE1800 / 800
    MANA208426842ATTACK RANGE128
    DAMAGE49-7990-120139-169MISSILE SPEEDN/A

    1. Chaos Bolt
    Chaos Bolt
    Throws a mysterious bolt of energy at the target unit. It stuns for a random duration and deals random damage.
    MANA COST: 140/140/140/140COOLDOWN: 10
    MAXIMUM STUN: 2 / 3 / 4 / 4MINIMUM DAMAGE: 1 / 50 / 75 / 100
    MAXIMUM DAMAGE: 200 / 225 / 250 / 275CONTOH: DIHAPUS10
    Even Chaos Knight cannot predict this manifest of unholy energy.
    This is a decent single targetted stun. On level 4, this skill can stun vary from 2 to 4 seconds. Just imagine your target stunned for 4 seconds and beaten by you + your 3 illusions with real damage. It is almost 100% a death sentence for him. This is your main skill for disabling your enemy. Makes you a decent ganker for the game. Disables 1 enemy for 4 seconds in the teamfights means he will be useless for the teamfight.

    2. Reality Rift
    Reality Rift
    Teleports you, any images you have and the target unit to a random point along the line between the two of you. Gives you bonus attack damage for one attack.
    MANA COST: 70/70/70/70COOLDOWN: 24/18/12/6
    RANGE: 550 / 600 / 650 / 700BONUS DAMAGE: 25 / 50 / 75 / 100
    Armageddon rides between the planes, bringing Chaos Knight to his victim wherever he may hide.
    Pull your target into you. This will makes you can chase your target and beat him easily. This is a needed skill for chasing your target. Always use this skill before attacking your target. You also gain some bonus damage from this skill.

    3. Chaos Strike
    Chaos Strike
    Chaos Knight's mojo gives him a chance to deal bonus damage.
    ABILITY: PASSIVECRITICAL DAMAGE: 150% / 200% / 250% / 300%
    Chaos Knight's unwieldy power bludgeons those who stand before him, crushing the thickest of armors.
    A powerful critical strike. Very good. This skill makes you a decent carry. This skill is already powerful and not just it, your image deals critical too. It will make your damage output become monstrous. With this skill, no enemy willing to fight you 1 vs 1, especially for some squishy hero like Crystal Maiden, or Venomacer. They will be very afraid if they meet you in the road or jungle.
    This skill is mainly useful for late game teamfights where physical attacks become the dependant of the champion of the game. With this skill your team should not be afraid of lack physical attack. You will fulfill the needs of physical damage for your team.

    4. Phantasm
    Summons several copies of the Chaos Knight from alternate dimensions. The illusions deal full damage, but take double damage.
    MANA COST: 125/200/275COOLDOWN: 140
    NUMBER OF ILLUSIONS: 1 / 2 / 3
    Drawing on his battles fought across many worlds and many times, phantasms of the Chaos Knight rise up to quell all who oppose him.
    This is your skill that makes enemy afraid of you. With this skill activated, you will summon your illusions and it will make enemy to afraid of you if he don't have an AoE skill. The damage output of your illusions is the real damage, not the percentage damage, and also your illusion will deal critical too, with 100% of damage x 4 man x Crits. Just do the math, no opponents dare to face you directly 1 vs 1 if he don't have a cleave or a decent AoE spell. With this skill, in a teamfight, you will be OWNING!! easily. And maybe got a TRIPLE KILL!! or something like that. Remember that the damage output is just too high for enemy to handle.

    Beware of some AoE skills like Echo Slam (Earthshaker), Avalanche-Toss (Tiny), or Stone Gaze (Medusa). They will makes your important illussions to banish like dusts.

    Dota 2 - Chaos Knight Build Guide
    Level 1: Chaos Bolt
    Level 2: Chaos Strike
    Level 3: Chaos Bolt
    Level 4: Reality Rift
    Level 5: Chaos Bolt
    Level 6: Phantasm
    Level 7: Chaos Bolt
    Level 8: Reality Rift
    Level 9 : Reality Rift
    Level 10: Reality Rift
    Level 11: Phantasm
    Level 12: Chaos Strike
    Level 13: Chaos Strike
    Level 14: Chaos Strike
    Level 15: Stats
    Level 16: Phantasm
    Level 17-25: Stats

    Why maxed Chaos Bolt first?  This is your main nuke, you will need this for ganking and killing or early mid game.

    Why take 1 level of Chaos Strike for early game, it will help you to deal more damage to creeps or to early-mid ganks.

    Why maxed Reality Rift before Chaos Strike? The rule of DotA: Nukes for early game, physical damage for late game.  Reality Rift is a nuke that will  deal more damage on early-mid game. And the most importantly, you need the low coldown of Reality Rift to be able to spam this skill. And Chaos Strike is for physical attacks that will be the main source of damages for mid-late game.

    Early Game
    On early game, if you want to steal the Firstblood! increase Chaos Bolt and use the stun to lock your enemy so your team can beat him and get the FB.

    On early game, your focus is on last hitting. 1 level of Chaos Strike and a Quelling Blade will helps you in this case. Farm as many creeps as you can and save the gold to buy nice items for the late game. Always check if your enemy is on a bad position, like if he is to late to go back and your creeps will surround him if he is stunned. Then: stun him!, and use Reality Rift and then kill him!

    Mid Game
    Mid game is the ganking time, except if you are a full farmer for the late game.
    Then if you choose to ganks, Find the weak opponent in other lane, and come from the jungle behind your target. Your strategy is to stun him and use Reality Rift on him, and then you can use Phantasm to increase your damage output. Remember that more number will defeat the less number. So if you gank someone, ask your friends to gank together and make it sure that your target will be killed with your combo.
    Dota 2 - Chaos Knight Build Guide
    Late Game
    It's the time to get TRIPLE KILL!!, ULTRA KILL!!, or RAMPAGE!!.
    Phantasm and Chaos Strike will reach it's potential here. You will deal tons of damage in a teamfight.With you + your 3 illusions all deal 100% damage and Critical Strike, nothing is impossible for your team. You can turn back the fight or so.
    Just be careful of some AoE hero that can destroy your illussions quickly.
    As a Chaos Knight, it is possible that if you lose control of your hero, and Chaos Knight attack uncontrolled and brutally, and you can still lucky and got TRIPLE KILL!!, ULTRA KILL!!, or RAMPAGE!!.
    Chaos Knight is a chaos in a teamfight. He bring Chaos. So don't expect a calm teamfight. Fight brutally with all your illusiions and achieve GODLIKE!!

    1. Quelling Blade
    Cost: 225
    Quelling Blade, Dota 2 - Chaos Knight Build Guide
    Active: Destroy Tree - Destroy a target tree.
    Passive: Quell - Gives bonus attack damage against non-hero units, depending on the type of hero you are.   MELEE BONUS: 32%     RANGED BONUS: 12%      Cooldown: 5
    Why Quelling Blade? Makes you easier to lasthit every creeps.

    2.  Power Threads
    Total cost: 1400
    Recipe: Gloves of Haste, Boots of Speed, Belt og Giant Strength/ Robe of Magi/ Band of Elvenskin
     Power Threads, Dota 2 - Chaos Knight Build Guide
    Active: Switch Attribute - Changes selected attribute between Strength, Agility and Intelligence.
    Flat movement speed bonuses from multiple pairs of boots do not stack. + 55 Movement Speed
    + 8 Selected Attribute   + 30 Attack Speed
    Why Power Threads? It will gives you attack speed, thats what you need, attack speed and damages. Power threads is laso a flexible shoes, you can change it to STR, AGI, or INT for what you need.
    STR for Survivability, AGI for damage and attack speed, and INT for mana.

    3. Drum of Endurance
    Total Cost: 1725
    Recipe: Bracer + Robe of Magi + Recipe
    Drum of Endurance, Dota 2 - Chaos Knight Build Guide
    Active: Endurance - Gives bonus +10 attack and +10% movement speed to surrounding allies.
    Passive: Swiftness Aura - Gives bonus attack and movement speed to surrounding allies.
    Multiple instances of Swiftness Aura do not stack. + 9 All Attributes
    + 3 Damage    AURA ATTACK SPEED: 5    AURA MOVE SPEED: 5%
    Cooldown: 30
    Why Drums? It will gives you survivability with + STR and gives you +Attack speed that will benefit you because you are considered a carry-tanker

    4. Sange & Yasha
    Sange & Yasha, Dota 2 - Chaos Knight Build Guide
    Total cost: 4100
    Recipe: Sange (Ogre Axe, Belt of Giant Strength) + Yasha (Blade of Alacrity + Boots of Elvenskin)
    Passive: Greater Maim - Gives a chance on attack to slow movement speed for 4.0 seconds.
    Percentage based movement speed bonuses from multiple items do not stack. + 12 Damage
    + 16 Strength    + 16 Agility    + 15 Attack Speed     + 12% Movement Speed
    MAIM CHANCE: 15%    SLOW: 30%
    Why Sange & Yasha? It will makes you more tanky, more damage, more attack speed and more movement speed + gives a slower with you attack. Very good item for a carry-tanker like you.

    5. Assault Cuirass
    Total cost:: 5300
    Recipe: Platemail, Hyperstone, Chainmail, Recipe
    Assault Cuirass, Dota 2 - Chaos Knight Build Guide
    Passive: Assault Aura - Grants attack speed and armor to nearby allied units, and decreases armor for nearby enemies. Multiple instances of Assault Aura do not stack.
    + 35 Attack Speed     + 10 Armor       AURA ATTACK SPEED: 20
    AURA BONUS ARMOR: 5                ARMOR REDUCTION: 5
    Why Assault Cuirass?
    Increase attack speed that makes your damage flowing rapidly, it is very good because you already have very high damage, it also gives you +aura for the team and your clones.
    +Armor aura is very important for late game, so good for increasing team's defense.
    - Armor aura is important for late game too because thr damage dealt from your teams will be increased

    And for late game
    6. You can increase your DPS more. Choose your own DPS items.As a carry, damage is your priority.
    DaedlusMKBAbyssal Blade, Dota 2 - Chaos Knight Build GuideDivine Rapier

    CRITICAL 2.4
    100% HITS
    MINIBASH 35%
    DAMAGE: 100
    MELEE: 25 %
    RANGE: 10%
    +15 ATK SPEED
    +10 STRENGTH
    2 SEC STUN
    DAEDLUS: Daedlus will provide you with a powerful Critical Strike.
    MKB: 100% HITRATE will helps you to fight some evasion heroes like Mortred or Rikimaru.
    ABYSSAL: A decent +100 damage and makes you become a Stunner
    RAPIER: Be careful if you choose to hold this. 1 hit kill is a sure. 2-3 hits is the worst. Need protection from your support. Must come if the situation is clear safe for you to come inside the teamfight. Need some disabler friends.

    7. But don't forget to give more Survivability for yourself and buy item like
    Black King Bar, Dota 2 - Chaos Knight Build Guide
    Heart of Tarrasque, Dota 2 - Chaos Knight Build Guide
    Black King Bar
    Total cost:: 3900
    Recipe: Ogre Axe, Mithril Hammer, Recipe
    Heart of Tarrasque
    Total cost: 5500
    Recipe: Reaver + Vitality Booster

    Active: Avatar - Grants magic immunity. Duration and cooldown decrease with each use. Some Ultimate abilities are able to disable through Black King Bar. + 10 Strength
    + 24 Damage     DURATION: 10/9/8/7/6/5     Cooldown: 80
    Passive: Health Regeneration - Restores a percentage of max health per second.
    This ability is disabled if damage is taken from an enemy Hero or Roshan within the last 4 seconds if your hero is melee or 6 seconds if your hero is ranged.
    + 40 Strength   + 300 Health     HEALTH RESTORED: 2%    Cooldown:
    Why Black King Bar? It gives you survivability in a teamfight because you will get magic immunity during teamfight. Black King Bar, will make you immune to magic for several seconds
    Why Heart of Tarrasque? Makes you tanky. So good item for late game.

    For Lifesteal on the late game, buy this
    8. Satanic
    Total Cost: 5850
    Recipe: Tarrasque + Helm of the Dominator + Recipe 

    Satanic, Dota 2 - Sven Build Guide
    Active: Unholy Rage - Increases Lifesteal by 175% for 3.5 seconds.
    Passive: Lifesteal - Gives Lifesteal on attacks.
    Satanic is a Unique Attack Modifier, and does not stack with other Unique Attack Modifier.
    + 20 Damage    + 25 Strength    + 5 Armor    LIFESTEAL: 25%   Cooldown: 35
    Why Satanic? It will really helps you to survive in a hard condition in a teamfight. It will gives you lifesteal, Strength, and Armor, thats all what you need to survive in a teamfight. If your HP become low, immediately use unholy rage, and attacks your enemy and your HP will be full again in seconds.

    And don't forget this for the late game
    9. Boots of Travel
    Total cost: 2450
    Recipe: Boots of Speed + Recipe
    Boots of Travel, Dota 2 - Bloodseeker Build Guide
    Active: Teleport - Teleports you to an allied non-hero unit or structure.
    Flat movement speed bonuses from multiple pairs of boots do not stack. + 100 Movement Speed
    Manacost: 75   Cooldown60
    Why Boots of Travel? With the creeps becoming more powerful in pushing your base, you need fast teleport to save your Ancient.
    Also, this item will give you 1 free slot that is saved for Teleport Scroll if you don't have this Boots

    1. Supportive Heroes
    (Example: Shadow Shaman, Crystal Maiden, Vengeful Spirit)
    Shadow Shaman, Dota 2 - Chaos Knight Build GuideCrystal Maiden, Dota 2 - Chaos Knight Build GuideVengeful Spirit, Dota 2 - Chaos Knight Build Guide
    Supportive heroes have disables and nice skill to helps carries and makes a teamfight easier for the team.
    Shadow shaman: Have hex, shackles, and wards to helps you disables enemy
    Crystal Maiden: Have 1 lockdown, 1 slower, and have +mana regeneration
    Vengeful Spirit: Have stun, swap, and +damage aura

    2. Another Chaotic Hero
    (Example: Invoker, Omniknight, Venomancer)
     They are all have chaotic spells that will really helps you to deal a massive combo for the teamfight. Like
    Invoker: Have many spells and high damage AoE spells
    Omniknight: Gives physical immunity for the teamfight
    Venomancer: Have a very strong ultimate that deal lots of damage per second

    1. AoE Spells
    (Example: Tiny, Earthshaker, Medusa)
     They have aoe spells that will destroys your illusions easily

    2. Axe
    Axe deal melee AoE damage that triggered with each attack. You are a perfect example on waht will trigger Axe's Counter Helix. And your illusion will suffer the most.

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